Using creative methods to summarize the event (such as highlights, points of conflict and confusion, key insights, and next steps) can make the har- vest more memorable and impactful.
Visual harvest is often done by a professional graphic recorder who is hired by the event to track the progress of the day. Graphic recording can, however, be done successfully using templates from professionals or pre-designed by organisers. Alternatively, a visual record can be created collectively throughout the event. If this is the case, time should be reserved at the end of each phase to coalesce a visual reflection which can be added to a timeline of the event. At the conclusion, participants can do a gallery walk to see the harvest, and then share reflections.
One person is hired or designated as the event poet. Throughout the day they will capture big ideas and small contextual details in the form of a narrative poem, to be shared at the end of the event
A large roll of paper and colourful markers are useful for the visual harvest.
Be careful about markers bleeding through onto the walls, double up paper if necessary.
Visual Harvest:
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